Monday, 7 May 2012

Fire Away

I'm pleased to announce the beginning of photography on my little project:
"The extraordinary tale of a firebird in spring"

The stage is set.  The rest of the mountain and monastery will be filled in using an old technique called matte painting
My joy is marred only by the irritating fact that the deadline for completion was 1st April 2012 (Fools day, of course) The deadline for submission to the Golden Kuker festival in Bulgaria.  I think it's safe to say I've missed that.

It may be the wrong attitude to take but I'm not going to get concerned about missing deadlines.  There will be inevitable interruptions from things like work and the telephone and the pub and after all, there's no point in trying to rush these things.  Stop Motion Animation is a slow process and it takes as long as it takes.

 ...And, by the way,  it takes roughly five minutes to shoot each frame, so shooting twelve and a half frames per second, taking into account the average rate of interruptions being one every forty three frames, the completed five minute film should be ready by...  I've really no idea.  The best I can say is that It'll be finished some time in the future.

A monk stands in for lighting and camera before make up

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